Thursday, July 18, 2013

California residency for tuition

   After hours of waiting in the car for someone I did a lot of thinking about the blog I wrote and just the meaning behind it. I went in circles took my mind all the way to when I moved here last summer. And yet it did not make sense to me how the heck am I not a resident if I have been here a year exact already?! There has to be a way around it! So I decides to call the school and talk to someone about my situation. I called about three times because no one would pick up. Well. I called until I got a hold of someone. Took a couple "can you hold please?," but all it took was the right person to talk to. The lady was really no e surprisingly; maybe because it was early and her day was barely starting. Anyway she gave me some pointers and I put then to work. 

    After a lot of homework I had to do after the disappointment of knowing how much more money I had to pay. I did not want to dip into my saving for just tuition money I did not know if I was going to be able to be reimbursed. Therefore I went to the college and spoke again to admissions about residency and pretended I didn't know what I needed. So the guy there gave me a list of things they ask for; I will post of the official paper later.  

    First you need only one set of proof of physical address. For example only: bank statements, pay-stubs, lease agreement, or utility bill. Only one of these that shows your name and a California address. I on the other hand only had bank statements thankfully and went through a hassle to get them from last year exact July 2012 but go a hold of them.
    Second you need two set of proof that you claimed residency in the state of California. For example: driver's license, state ID, registered to vote, vehicle  registration, CA state tax form (530NR) exact which claims you as partial resident for previous year. I was only able to show the state taxes and state ID that was issues February 2013 exact. The taxes by the way have to be paid by you I did mine through turbo tax because that's where I have been doing mine. Other sources charge you the same amount though, I checked on the government sites that redirects you to a couple other ones but none are free. They are all about $29.99 which is not bad if you're trying to save $1,000.00.  

    Anyway, I am really relived I didn't have to pay that anymore and also I won't have to worry about this section next year. I am so thrilled I didn't have to wait until next summer to start because that was going to be an entire year of waiting and I've already waited too long. This is happy Julie right now and hope this blog is able to help some people out there with the same problem. 

Leave comments if you have any questions I may answer or just opinions:) thanks for reading ! 

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Persistent person is valued fir two, like the old Mexican saying.
